God Dammit


Mar 7, 2008
I hate whoever got me hooked on Scooter last night. The first time I heard the song I was like lol, then I listened to it again and was like son of a bitch and now I'm listening to his other stuff.
That's how this all began, with me posting Basshunter lol

I guess I could go for some Boten Anna

what's the deal with Scooter anyway? why is he so popular?
god dammit no more plz lololol, now I have to listen to it. I just wish it wasn't on Youtube so I can get the surround sound going
god dammit the asshole changed the newsgroup pass so now I can't get a bunch of Scooter albums :(

nice songs tho CDN, badass shit. I think I'm at the point in my music cycle where I listen to techno and other types of it for a while. I need more good shit.