Good Samaritan left bleeding to death in plain sight


Mar 31, 2008

“The homeless Good Samaritan who lay dying on a Queens sidewalk while nearly 25 coldhearted pedestrians strolled by would never have acted so callously, his grieving family said today.

"That shouldn’t have happened," said Edwin Tacam, the cousin of slain hero Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax. "Hugo wouldn’t have done that. It’s not important who it is, if we see someone hurt, we should help, at least call an ambulance. Lend a hand."

Tale-Yax, 32, was fatally stabbed several times in the chest at 5:40 a.m. Sunday while saving a woman from a knife-wielding thug on 144th Street and 88th Road in Jamaica, according to police.

Video footage from a surveillance camera shows dozens of passers-by walk past him as he lay on the ground.

One indifferent stroller snapped a photo of the victim on his cellphone. Another even lifted an unresponsive Tale-Yax, saw a pool of blood below his body and then walked off. Firefighters didn’t receive a 911 call until 7:23 a.m.

"The news was very painful for all of us," Tacam said. "We never would have expected he would die this way. He was a person who always stepped up to help others."

A Guatemalan immigrant, Tale-Yax eked out a living working odd jobs, but he was recently out of work and lost his home in Queens. His family said he mostly kept to himself but frequently visited friends in Jamaica, where there is a large Guatemalan community.

"He lost his life trying to help someone else — that’s brave," Tacam said. "I guess you could say he was a hero."

Police said there are still no suspects in the attack. Tale-Yax’s body will be sent back on Friday to Guatemala, where his parents live.”

Additional reporting by James Fanelli

I know there are good people out there, but sometimes it’s really hard to keep that in mind….

(Videos are in the source link provided up top.).
What if he didn't jump in and savr that lady's life? He would not be on the news, even considering how horrifying his death was.
his actions are not what's being discussed, and are largely irrelevant, since they are only what got him into the situation in question. what is being discussed is people not helping him even though he was known to be dying.
Sometimes our politicians and scholars and the like will try to pretend we've risen above the class based society. But nothing could be further from the truth. The good Samaritan was of the lowest order in our society. Ranked even below rapists and murders and child molesters. He was homeless and not worth the time of day. How cruel life can be.
We're not discussing his actions, true. We're seeing a man who's life was *NOT* saved because he was homeless, and as Aiki put it, the lowest class in society.

But, would he have made it on the news if he didn't save the lady's life?

I think not.
I feel nauseated whenever I hear about something like this happening. How all those people who just walked by a dying man without compassion is sickening.

It doesn't really matter if the man was homeless. He risked his life to save that woman's life, surely it would not be too difficult for one of the people walking by to call 911.
This is truly horrible. It saddens, and sickens, me to think that someone would act so unselfishly and pay the price and then be ignored in their hour of need.
Good Samaritan left bleeding to death in plain sight…. Wth...

Unfortunately, I’d be hard pressed to disagree. I wouldn’t bet money on it mind you, as I’ve seen similar stories minus the hero angle reported on before, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was passed over.
Did all the people who walked by him know he was injured, much less dying? Perhaps some of them just thought he was a homeless man or a drunk lying on the street. We all walk passed such people every day; I don't think everyone ought to be condemned for not stopping to check on every seemingly homeless/drunk person they pass. However, for those that did stop and check him, if they realised he was injured but did nothing, then that is troubling.
He was stabbed several times, in the chest. I'm no doctor, but I should imagine there would have been substantial blood loss from those kind of wounds. Enough for people to notice it.
His position and the blood visible by his right leg (and probably elsewhere from a walker’s point of view) should have been an indicator that he was at the very least injured.

I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but I have never, nor would I ever, just walk passed a person lying face down in the middle of a sidewalk. I mean, is that a common sight where you’re from?
I just heard this on the news this evening. and my first thought was those evil beepbeepbeepbeeps

Meaning of course, the ones who walked right past the dying hero who saved the lady.
I can partly understand someone not wanting to help directly (i.e. touching or communicating) for reasons of personal safety, but to walk past without even calling 911 is subhuman, IMO.
hold up... what about the lady he saved? Couldn't SHE have called the politzi?

that man died on the pavement......
I have never, nor would I ever, just walk passed a person lying face down in the middle of a sidewalk. I mean, is that a common sight where you’re from?

Walk through the centre of York or Leeds on a Saturday night and it's depressingly common. If you stopped to see if everyone was OK you'd be there all night.
On my way back from work the other day I saw a bloke asleep on the pavement (6 in the evening).
I mean..he looked asleep but he could have been dead for all I know (I was in a car).
I'd stop and help a woman that was passed out on the floor but in the UK chances are that if a bloke if on the floor in a heap he's off his trolley and fairly likely to fight you for waking him up.
However...seeing blood or an obvious injury would change that.
How much time or effort does it take to make a call?
One time I came a across a hysterical woman in a phone box (to this day I don't know what had happened to her). She didn't want me anywhere near her so I called the police from the phone box next door, requested a WPC and then made sure no one bothered her until the cops arrived.
Took maybe 10 minutes out of my day.
I can fully understand not wanting to put your life in danger.
But doing nothing as simple as a phone call? Beggars belief.
Good Samaritan left bleeding to death in plain sight…. Wth...

Well, that certainly sounds depressing, can’t say I’m itching to take a stroll through there anytime soon. That said, I’m not even talking about stopping, simple fact is, I’m not a doctor and would be of little use anyway, but I can see no harm in ringing an authority. (That’s what I meant by I wouldn’t ‘just’ walk by. I.E., making the call is doing something.) Or maybe I’m just being naïve, I don’t know.....