gossip girl quote in book?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
should i add this gossip girl quote into my book? Scuse the crappywriting and grammer...

“Mom, three hours is like….a year for me to get changed! I will not be late, I will be ready in time! Let it go!” I huffed, oblivious to the fact that mom had already started on my makeup. (Yes you heard right, more makeup! Apparently this morning’s coat had just been a trial run. ) I turned the TV onto Gossip Girl, just happening to pick the episode with my favorite quote in. You know that time when I told Leese I didn’t watch gossip girl? Well I was lying.
“She’s right Serena. I mean, none of us are saints.” Nate ah Nate, you always know the right thing to say.
“Yeah, I had sex with Chuck in the back of a limo.” Blair pee’s me off but she and Chuck are just too cute together!
“Several times.” I copied Chuck’s gravelly American (fake American might I add) accent, the voice that almost causes me to swoon. Ed Westwick in unbelievably hot.
“I had sex with you.” You = Serena for the readers that can’t quite visualize the episode I am watching. “At a wedding while I was Blair’s date.”
“Once.” I love how Nate looks at Chuck when he says this, as though Chuck sleeping with Blair multiple times is way worse than him getting it off with Serena. I also love how everyone has confessed something and now they just sit there, looking at Chuck, waiting for him to say something. And then he does.
“I’m Chuck Bass.”