Groups, gossip, witch craft?


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Gossip is believed to be a form of witch craft. The idea to "kill" someone's character, if you will, ostracize, etc...

That said, how does one person disuage the gossip that is said about them by a whole group of person?

For ex...I receive recognition/affirmation from most, but I find the group that is my race *not my ethnicity nor culture* to be over critical of me, to the point, dramatizing any flaw I have. I don't want this to be a problem in the future since that group tends to still hang out five years later.

How can I deprogram or make this behavior go away.
Then why hang out with them? try finding new friends who don't critisize you. I don't keep people as friends if they try to belittle me. It's petty and you don't have to put up with it.
Make friends with other people
Then why hang out with them? try finding new friends who don't critisize you. I don't keep people as friends if they try to belittle me. It's petty and you don't have to put up with it.
Make friends with other people
The best way is to make a whole new gossip all of your own.

Sometimes to make it real. Murder of the gossip starter. Thats a good one.