Guinea Pig Death????Breeding Strain?


Aug 29, 2008
I really want to know what caused my guinea pigs death. In early March I put my female guinea pig (Piper) in with my male (Bobby) and 2 months later she had five babies, one stillborn, the first she didn;t open the sack the other three survived, she had a couple of months break before I put her back in with my male and they got really attached, She got pregnant again, and when she was really big I moved her out and about a week later she lost five babies which where completely undevolped. After this she was pining for her mate so a week later we let her go back in with Bobby. They where fine for ages and a few weeks later I noticed her gaining weight. I decided not to seperate them because, I thought she misscarried the previous time because she was seperated. On Saturday night I noticed her curling up and acting funny but it was dark so I couldn't really tell if she was in labour or not, I left her to it and when I came to check on her in the morning she was dead and stiff and rigamortis. I examined her and she was pregnant there was no blood or anything and she just looked like she was sleeping not in any pain, We thought she had another large litter inside as we could see the babies inside her when we pressed her stomach but it was to late.

I just want to know what happened to her or what went wrong. Thanks
well you answerd your own question if you think about it
she had to many litters and it was to much for her!
should have waited a while untill she had her second or if she wanted her mate in the same cage with her then you should have got him spayed