Guy advise ... how to let you know that we're interested without actually saying it?


New member
Sep 25, 2009
I met this guy, who owns a grocery store, very handsome and my type.... I usually takes care of cash transactions and almost always in the store... I went to that store like Twice to do shopping and this is how I met him... Now I like him but I don't know how to let him know that I like him and don't know if he has a girlfriend.... I know he likes me Too because every time I went there we both get very shy and the look in our eyes change... I even felt that we start shaking a little bit... even though it sounds funny... anyway... want to see what you guys have to say and what advice would you give me about how to find out more about him and how to let him know that I like him without any Direct comments from my side... I like my man to take control of everything and I hate it when I have to directly approach a guy.... So Please let me know what you think.... I appreciate all of your comments.....
heaps of ways to flirt...

play with your hair while looking at them..
'accidently' touch him
just talk to him more and figure this stuff out. if he's single then ask him out. or drop hints that you want him to ask you out. guys are stupid. we like to be able to understand that a girl likes us. dont make him work to hard for it becuuae he may give up and never find an answer.
Ha this reminds of me of the story Checkouts. Tell him don't be like the girl with the orange bow! =( There's a 50% he'll like you. Take the risk and if he doesn't like you okay just move on. =) but you'll never know if you don't try so go for the direct approach. Trust me it'll work
Get your very prettiest,sexiest girl friend to take a picture of you into the store with her. And after her date with him Saturday night. She will be able to tell you all about him and what he thinks of you in the picture.
me personally would very much appreciated that if they would just tell us if they fancy us. It saves a lot of guessing for us. But don't start with that, just get to know him first. Ask him generic things like how are you today, ask him to help you with something. Like i said, it'd be just very much appreciated just to TELL US UPFRONT.
ok well despite what u said the easiest to let him know ure interested is by telling him or talking to him...theres nothing wrong with a girl approaching a guy. if u have enough confidence in urself, u can def do it. guys dont always have to do u said he gets shy so hes going to have a hard time talking to u or asking u out even. so u need to take the intiative and make the first move. dont play hard to get..its just a waste of time..if u wait around he might just find some other girl and ull be left to wonder what if or what could have been if u had at least tried to talk to him.
You could say "do you have a girlfriend?" BAM. shows you are interested.

or "well what does your girlfriend think of that?" or "what does your girlfriend blank blank blank?"

here is a good one:
"what do you like to do for fun?"
and then after he answers, say
"oh me too. maybe we can do that one day"

good luck.