Guy rules


New member
Apr 20, 2008
Thought this might be fun!. Think of something that could be considered a "Guy rule", then put the number of the rule before it (the person before you would put "Guy rule #25 then you would put 26, and so on).

Guy rule #1: eyes up while at the urinal. Looking down is just plain gay!.

Might as well put up a second for good measure!.

Guy rule #2: Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.

This will probably get shot down :'( .
Following on from Rule #1

Guy Rule #4 You must always choose the spot furtherest from the next man at the urinal. And you never talk at the toilets (unless you are drunk then all rules are off).
Guy rule #5 Make sure the guy in the next stall knows you are talking on the cell phone and not to him.
Guy rule #12: When asked by a girl "Do you think that guy is good-looking?" Always answer "I don't know, I'm not gay!"...even though you can clearly tell whether another male is good looking or not.
boo, double post

Guy Rule # 13: if your friend falls down, you laugh at him. if he got hurt, you laugh more
Doesn't hold up, what if your bro's bike breaks down or you are taking him to the pub? Or you see someone hitching with a skid lid?

Anyone uses that rule is scared of their own reaction.