Half empty? Half full?

Depends on what's in it.

If it's Stella then it's half empty if it's Chinese medicinal soup then it's most definitely half full!!!
If you are in the process of filling it, then it is half-full.

If you are in the process of emptying it, then it is half-empty.
that can go both ways lol.

But to answer Ms. Boo I'm a half-full type of person because I have a positive outlook on life.
As an engineer I should point out that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
We workied this out at college the other day...

It is half full because...

full = 100%
empty = 0%

half of empty (0%) is still empty but half of full is 50%, sooo half empty is not possible and it must be half full!
Let's turn that around (coz I'm in a cheeky mood):

How much empty space is there in a glass containing the maximum amount of liquid it can hold? 0%

How much empty space is there in a glass containing nothing? 100%

Therefore it's half empty.
You could always point out that it's 50% liquid and 50% gas making up 100% total volume so half full is half right and half empty is wrong.