Halloween pic and story thread

thats me 2 years ago. and yes i was on stilts. i made them to strap to my legs and walked on them all weekend. the only time i fell was the first time i put them on, i walked into my roomates room and stepped on his shoe, and busted my ass. other than that it was pretty smooth for a weekend full of parties.
You try WAY too hard to sound cool. Trying to sound "ghetto" or whatever the fuck that is. And who says the word "chillest?" What the fuck is wrong with you?
Well I dont have a pic but me and my friends went to Salem. We had a good time until about 10:30 when I looked behind me on a backstreet and saw two of my friends getting jumped by two 20+ year old guys. I hit one in the face and then square off with the other who said we were the wrong kids then took off. That was my halloween.
i spent all of thursday after halloween in cobb county juve court hose idicited on 3 counts of "Possession of Specified Instruments With Intent to Commit Vandalism", 26counts of "Participation in Criminal Street Gang Activity", 46 counts of "defacement of Property by Graffiti by Minor and/or Minors" and 1 count of criminal mischeif we all together did almost 12grand in damages not fun day but one hell of a night.... haha it all went well with my previous record they couldnt prove all charges and they new that so we cuta deal 2 pay for sum of damages and a shitload of community service.... basicly imagin a group of guys dressed as a giant banana (that was me), a power ranger, big bird, the hambugaler, and a beer keg runnin round wreaking havoc every where we went till we got busted....

heres one of the pics of our handy work 4 halloween....
i make some black lady have a seizure. 10 minutes later she recovered and walked away with her sisters and cousins, about 30 of them. probably didnt have health insurancelol
Haha nice. my friends bro got arrested for being hitler one year, cause he went to a WWII veterans house and he called the cops..
Grape Drink - I never had an issue with any of my costumes. I had a girl walk up to me and tell me her friend didnt like my nazi costume but if the bitch is to much of a coward to walk up to me then screw her any ways.
People compliment me.. thats it. The suicide bomber one got alot of compliments from soldiers and marines all night.
Its halloween, so strighten out your tampon and have fun. gesh.

Plus im a good size guy.. im not likley to just "get my ass beat". ;)

Mr JabM-

me nd one of my friends wore our ihav.net stuff to school....pods mask and all. It was annoying though bc stupid ppl kept asking if we were dressed as motocross guys....That was extremly annoying.