Happy New Year MAP


New member
Apr 15, 2008
as its now 1 min past midnight on new years day id just like to wish evry1 a happy new year!!!
Happy New Year to all on MAP, have a good one guys.

And if any of you are in Woking at the moment and feel like a drink, feel free to drop by.
has any1 got any newyears resolutions? mine are to stick in at karate, keep fit and do well at college. big task for the year: keeping to them...
go on surgingshark, just remember to stick to the resolution (first time for everything for everyone)
3 hours and change to the New Year, here on the US East Coast. New Years Rezzies? To love and respect my wife even more than I think I am capable of. To raise my daughters to be good and decent humans. To show more compassion, even to the idiot that cuts me off on the highway. To travel more and meet MAPers around the globe. To do good in my NEW JOB. To get involved in my community.

And to get a good night's sleep on occasion.
Happy new year everybody! Given that this previous year of mine sucked so much, I feel freed now that a new one has begun. Let's hope for it to be a happy and prosperous year for all martial artists around the world and for everybody else on planet earth.

Happy New year.
New Years resolutions:
1. To actually become organised and use my filofax
2. To meet as many MAP member as possible
3. To get a permanent, full-time job
4. Actually keep a journal
It's been 2004 for over 12 hours here. Catch up guys!

Happy new year everybody. I'm aiming for a new me. I hope I don't ditch it.

ava good one
i'm home now, it's 5am....a bit of a mad night....i dont even want to think about how i'm gunna feel when i wake up! HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
resolution: to be able to do 100 pressups straight.
Happy New years everyone, although it was a long time ago for me! MAP's resolution... to boot those trolls.
Personal resolutions (in no particular order):

get fit.
get back to MA training.
sort out credit cards!
start new business.
finish MBA course.
drink less alcohol.
Are you sure about the last one? 'cuz if you don't get the 3rd one sorted out you might want to drink more....