Has anybody else heard the rumor about Palin and the debate?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
There is a rumor going around amongst Washington insiders that might explain why Sarah Palin was so provocatively winking at the camera last night while simultaneously flashing those perfect, pearly white teeth of hers.

According to some "leaked information", before she went onstage, one of McCain's handlers took her aside and told her that the main thing she had to remember to win the debate is that "politics has always been dirty".

Apparently, she took that as a suggestion that if she acted a little slutty, she'd really do well. So, according to the rumor, that's why she decided to do that little Texas whorehouse "come hither" thing with the winking and crooked little smile and all. Apparently, it was also the reason she kept saying "eye rack" when she and Biden were talking about our current military strategies overseas.

It seems she felt she had the guys eating out of her hand at that point, so she might as well "go for it". She must have figured if she told all the guys at home and in the live audience to look at her breasts, that she'd win the debate for sure, because after all, how much "dirtier" could you get, without being arrested or something?

Looks like it worked, too, because after she said it, I saw Biden furtively take a look at her hooters, and when the camera cut to the audience, there was an old fella in the front row with his hand in his trousers pocket, and I don't think he was checking to see if his wallet was still there, either.

I really think this woman would be a lousy VP, because if she can misinterpret the phrase "politics is dirty" to mean she should act all slutty and stuff on national TV, what will she do if some staffer tells her in a future debate or some televised speech or whatnot, that she should just "bare all" 'if they ask her about her political experience, let’s say?

Or what if they tell her "not to get caught with your pants down", but she doesn't hear the words "not to" because she's checking herself out in the mirror, all preoccupied with making sure that her breasts look perky before she gets in front of the camera for some kind of post debate interview with Katie Couric, or something?

I also don't think all this unseemly behavior is going to play too well with the Christian right, and that used to be one of her and McCain's biggest voter bases.

Then again, you never know, maybe John and her will end up in the White House come next January, and surprise everybody.Tell you one thing, I don't think the old guy in the front row "searching for his wallet" will be all that disappointed...
I really don't care for Palin, but I don't think this is true... I think she was just reverting back to her beauty pageant days..
I heard that too AND the one about she being McCain's secret daughter. And get this: the mother is Vanessa del Rio!!