Has anyone ever mistaken your mutt for a "designer dog"???


Apr 4, 2008
I'm lucky enough to know both the parents of my Mixed breed dog. She is a Cocker Spaniel & Labrador Retriever cross.

The other Day I had her at the Vet's Office, While we were waiting this other lady came in and starting gushing all over her. When she asked what kind of dog my Tuxedo was I told her - Lab and Cocker cross. Her Response???

"OOOO A Spanador!!! How Adorable! My sister bought a male last spring"

Long Story short, apparently this ladies' sister spent a lot of money on her male and want to breed him. The lady was sooo disappointed when I told her, that while My girl is quite adorable she has not won any titles nor is an outstanding specimen of an established breed, so I opted to have her spayed.

Of course I DID have to research 'Spanador' - Sad thing is she wasn't making it up :(

Any similar stories???
My "Spanador" was the result of an accidental breeding when the Cocker Spaniel's owner left their unspayed 7 month old dog tied out, and the other neighbor let his Unneutered Hunting Labrador run loose. (The tie was witnessed) After the poor cocker gave birth to 5 pups, (Luckily the dad was a small lab) She wanted nothing to do with them. THe spaniel's owner turned to the Neighborhood dog freak (aka - me) Begging for help. The neighborhood dog freak agreed on the condition the female would be fixed. And Presented the Cocker's owner with a Certificate for a free spay from the local No-Kill shelter! Tehehehe

My girl didn't cost me a dime but she's worth a million bucks ;)
People with "designer dogs" don't want to hear that their expensive dog is just another mixed breed mutt. I personally don't understand why people have to have "pedigreed" dogs, but I can assure that at this time, NONE of the designer dogs is acceptable to the AKC. They're all just mixed breed mutts - like your guy and like my female German Shepherd / Terrier mix. Doesn't make them any less lovable or trainable - just makes them less expensive to adopt!

Thanks for asking!
Yeah, people always think that two of mine are intentional "designers" dogs..
I have a Dacshund/Corgi mix.. AKA "Dorgi"

and a Jack Russell/Scottie mix.. I'm not sure what they call those..

Both of them are from the shelter with one of them being from a shelter in Ohio where he was out of time.. People just can't believe that nobody wanted him, but, of course they never think to check the shelter for their next dog..
Not quite, but was pretty disgusted at an AKC sanctioned match earlier this year.
Took my little dachshund with me and had some gal chase me down as I was leaving - huffing and puffing she asked "got any puppies by her"??
When I said I would never breed my dog while so many were homeless, she said that she wanted a small dachsie for her daughter.
This, at a match, where people should know better, really annoyed me.

People just don't think - they must know better by now - they just don't seem to care about all the "designer breeds" and even pedigrees in shelters and rescues looking for good homes - they want to breed more or encourage others to.
If not there should be, because apparently mutts don't exist anymore, unless they are in the pound... personally though, nope, I haven't had the pleasure of such an experience.