Has anyone named their child after a celebrity or is planning to?

EEK. No, my friends aren't the type to do something so shallow. A name theory says that people stuck with soap opera star names are always going to be a bit slow, because their mother watches soap operas.
it's not after a celebrity, but my sister named her daughter after Rachel (Jennifer Aniston's character in Friends)'s daughter, Emma. She liked it, and the story of it during the show and went for it.
I know this is an old joke, but I told my husband if we had a son I would like to name him Ethan Allen and our last name. He said "He'd sell all our furniture. I do have a daughter named Anne Klein. It's not after the designer. We just liked the name. My father in laws name is Calvin Klein. My brothers name is Paul Douglas ( Old US actor).
Yup. I know this one girl i went to high school with who names her kid :Britney-Spears (INSERT LAST NAME).
Everyone was like, waaaaat?? and she's just like, hey, i love britney!!!
well, they're not really celebrities, but they're awfully famous though..a guy in my year is named Jesus because his dad's name is Joseph.
Yes I did ,Wallace after William Wallace,Breck after Alan Breck in Kidnapped and Stuart after the Scottish Stewart Kings.
To me these historical figures are the only people who deserve any recognition,football players,actors/actresses to me are not and never have been celebrities whatever that is.
I have a cousin named Dustin Hoffman... but I don't think my aunt named him after the actor. She just liked the name Dustin.
My sister did. It helps when people are unsure of what the name is, to say, "You know, like ____ the actress."