Has it ever occured to anyone that gay people might actually 'LOVE' each other?


Feb 2, 2009
Rather than the typical stereotypical idea that they only, ahem, 'LUST' after each other??

I know gay couples that have been together for YEARS, my mother is friends with a gay couple who have been together for 25 years and raised two classy well-mannered heterosexual children (two twins, a boy and girl who I grew up being friends with). If that's not love I don't know what is. Why deny it? Are you afraid of being wrong? And if they love each other what business is it of yours and really what's the problem here??
yes, i do know that and it's none of my business so i don't make it my business.
Yes that is certainly possible, though such love is fundamentally disordered. Who claims otherwise?
After many posts, i think we get the point, YOU think it is ok to be gay, ok that's you, but you won't change MY mind.
yes that has occured to me. and you are right, gay people are still PEOPLE they still deserve the same rights.
yes that has occured to me. and you are right, gay people are still PEOPLE they still deserve the same rights.
Wait, who said gay people can't love each other? I'm a Christian and I totally believe a gay couple can be in love. Where are you getting these ideas? I bet I know. Stupid, intolerant Christians that make the rest of us look bad. Well I apologize on behalf of my people, gay people can certainly love each other.
If your gay, seriously we get it. you can drop it now.

People can love eachother and it doesnt have to be sexual.