Have Republicans passed the President's jobs bill or are they still whining

what Bill? The senate (Reid - D) won't even consider it until October.

So ask Reid why it isn't being "PASS THIS BILL NOW!"

Its a joke. Democrats don't even want to vote for this political ploy.
Geez Frank, you flaunt the USMC initials as though you are or have been a USMC. Having said that, it is hard to imagine that anyone who has earned the EGA actually believes that by raising taxes on the wealthy will yield more revenue, to any great degree.

The wealthy are a big step ahead of numb nuts when it comes to paying taxes. These people hire the greatest economic minds in the world to help them shelter their fortunes, and some silly community organizer isn't going to outsmart them. If you think stimulus + 2 will be any more successful than stimulus +1, think again.

Don't blame the Republicans for this poor excuse for an economist, it's you and your ilk that resurrected this guy from the hood. Lick your wounds and retreat, hopefully by November 2012 you will have gotten used to the idea that a new occupant is ready to take possession of 1700 Pennsylvania Ave.
0-Bama knows they want go for this. He's campaigning for election. Neither party is worth a darn. All of em should be ashame.
We've had enough socialism, in any form.

They all need to leave my party (Democratic) and go back to their own.

Enough of them.

No, it won't pass, and if it does, I swear, I'll join the Tea Party myself or start my own darn party (I will not be a Republican).
I trust the independent economists who are urging lawmakers to pass the President's job bill more than some random putz on yahoo who has a feeling it wouldn't work.

The damn bill has been sitting on Boehner's desk for over a week and he hasn't done a THING. They haven't even offered their own job creation ideas. All they can do succesfully is play political games.

Ok.. I see Obama's speeches and "fake" bill have worked.

Firing up the base to get ready for the 2012 "Wealth Envy" campaign.

I bet you probably actually believe that you pay a higher tax % than Warren Buffett too !
News flash pal, he doesn't have the support of the Democrats in congress either. You really should try and get up to speed on current events.
So, what you are saying is whatever the president wants the president should get. That is blind loyalty. Blind faith is why the economy is where it is now. People also had more or less blind faith in FDR's New Deal, that's why the Depression lingered on for 7 years after FDR coming into office. What got the country OUT of the Depression was just the opposite of New Deal policies FDR was forced to do because of the war. When that happened, the Depression was over within a year.
Nope, the Republican Congress is still dragging its feet on jobs and defending the rich from taxes.

According to Republicans trying to end medicare isn't class war, but expecting the wealthy to contribute to the society that enabled them to collect their vast fortunes is class war..
Do 2 minutes of research, Democrats want nothing to do with this bill either.
Still whining about the poor oppressed rich people. Republicans aren't worth a their weight in dirt. They campigned on jobs and the only thing they have done is KILL JOBS.
Still whining. Today one of the Republicans was whining about having only $400,000 left after he took $200,000 to cover household expenses...Is it possible that people like him are not really in touch with the reality of the plight of everyday Americans?