Have we learned all we need to know?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Truth floating, on a wicker
river that catches the lie
in it’s weave letting the real
day pass, the old days settling
to the bottom to silt themselves
back into night.
Fast, rippling waves
tangle the reeds
a stature of stars for the naked to see,
a cower, slight shake, no harm will
flow on the banks tonight.
Only a hard cold
to protect from the slow bite
of growing up and old.
Farther down,
a lesson curls in an eddy,
spiral to spiral,
mixing the pangs
of a learned and livid
boy, his father
blowing water's wisdom from a spout
that mimes adage
to the safe shores of life.

Welcome back Buk great to see you again. Q answer is never can stop learning. Poem answer, filtered truth is still truth. Hopefully the crud that clings to it out of spite gets washed off and carried away on the tide. I love your work man!