Have you ever complained to corporate customer service about a particular store...?


New member
Jul 19, 2010
...only to have the store remedy the situation, and THEN have corporate get on their case....after they've handled it? That happened to me, and I feel bad now that I complained.
You're taking way too much responsibility here. I have complained to a chain restaurant when I found hair on the wrapper. They gave me two coupons for sandwiches and no doubt talked to the employees there. I wasn't comfortable with that either but you have every right to complain if something is bad. If we lived in a truly caring day and age, then customer service, not profit, would be the #1 priority. Unfortunately it appears the opposite is no longer true. But good stores do care and will do all they can to retain you as a customer.
Don't feel bad. This is all part of the customer service process. Consider it a learning curve for the store. It isn't about remedying a situation, it's about it not occurring in the first place. Think of all the coporations...and I can think of a LOT, that should have been called to task for the small mistakes...before they became HUGE...and unfixable.
don't feel bad. you did what was right at the time. but think of it this way, the whole company sounds like they could use people skills. the store messed up cuz it's part of a whole messy company.
Don't feel bad!! Stores that are part of big corporations have TONS of issues. You as the customer have a right to complain. I work in a retail store that's part of a huge corporation and I wish our customers would complain more to corporate so everyone could actually be on the same page about what is expected of everyone.
You're taking way too much responsibility here. I have complained to a chain restaurant when I found hair on the wrapper. They gave me two coupons for sandwiches and no doubt talked to the employees there. I wasn't comfortable with that either but you have every right to complain if something is bad. If we lived in a truly caring day and age, then customer service, not profit, would be the #1 priority. Unfortunately it appears the opposite is no longer true. But good stores do care and will do all they can to retain you as a customer.