have you ever gotten way too attached to someone in a relationship and in

Well I never got in a relationship and got rejected countless times and I was way to attached to her last year in 7th grade but then I got over it in a day! I holding off until college unless I find someone that (almost) fits my dream characteristics and in that case I would become really good friends with her.

Here are the characteristics I look for in a girl:

A sensitive girl. Not those, "Oh I AM SO TOUGH," types.
Cares for me.
Accepts me.
Nice to me.
Does not play tough on me.
Does not like to party, more of a relaxed girl who doesn't care about being social and has a few best friends.
Does not break up easily.
Is not a player.
She would be very similar to me.
She would have straight brown/blonde hair. None of those complicated hair styles (curly, pony tail, braids, etc.)
Fair skin.
Practices good hygiene (like me, germaphobic)
A girl that would be short. I'm very short...
A girl that loves to kiss, hug, and cuddle all the time.
Some girl that would really love me and was shy at first but then became more comfortable with me.
A girl who never cheated and always loved me her most.