Have you ever seen a gun in real life?

Did a bit of shooting when I was younger, last time was rabbit shooting although that was about 2 years ago, will get my license & own gun one day but got other things to do/spend money on at the moment.
lol, whatever you say mate.

you would 'be fine' getting shot - you realise that getting shot is a hell of a lot more dangerous than it appears on telly i hope.
Yeah, my fathers double-barreled shotgun. It's got some lovely designs and ****. and makes a hell of a noise.
Yup, hopefully soon they'll be legalized for people who don't need them for hunting.
I would love a Conceal&Carry license.
When my dad was in the RAF I remember him letting me shoot a rifle.
I couldn't have been much older than six :lolwut:
Lothian and Borders Police open day :p: (my dad and sister are cops) the public order team had a selection chained to a table and you could hold them and stuff..
Yeah.. at work experience, believe it or not. Was working with a National Trust landscape team and there was one guy who took care of the animals. One (animal) escaped out of the boundaries and because of that, it apparently had to be shot. He got the rifle out of his house, jumped in the car, threw it on my lap and I was like "wtf". It was way heavier than I expected. can't remember what it was. had a scope though.
a dealer in brixton had some for sale when i went to pick up some weed aged 16 or something.

yes i realised i was out of my depth
Fired my first Gun when I was about 6, It was a .410 shotgun, soon after I used 12&20 bore over and under and automatic shotguns, .38 revolvers, .22LR autopistols, .22 rifles, .303 enfield MKIII, .223 remington 700, Cadet version of the LA80 assault rifle.

Also handled AK74's, M16A2's, MP5's, browning hi-power pistols, Tokarev T33 pistols

So yeah I have seen real guns lol.
My grandad is a gun collector. So I;ve seen my fair share.

He also has one eye and one ear. That, plus the numerous guns round his house, made me incredibly obedient in his presence.
Yep. I've even fired one. A glock.

My dad used to be a cop... and then a bodyguard. One of our father-daughter bonding rituals was to go out to this empty field and shoot at empty beer cans. :woo:

It's unbelievably loud.
Yes first when I was around 12 in India, it was my uncles he collects them. I shot a 357. in Dubai at a shooting range.