Have you ever thought about how you would turn out in the future?


New member
Nov 21, 2008
This is for all the teenagers and young twenty people. Ever just pictured yourself in the future like in the thirties. Are you married? Kids? Job? Looks? Family? It's weird to think about.
Cow's Rule, HAHA ;0
i turned out different than i thought i would, i am a bit more rational than i was in my twenties
yeah i wonder all the time! i hope that i turn out ok im doing my best to make sure of that now while it can make a difference. its sad that so many teens ruin their lives at such a young age. its hard to not do that with so many around u doing it.
it is an interesting concept. I just try to live my life as it comes, but plan some major things such as college education for example. i also have an idea of my job aspirations. a career in law would be ideal for me i think.
Yes, I was forced to think and write about my entire future for a school assignment. Someday I'll look back on it and realize how simple minded I was.
It is weird to think about and i'm scared that i'll end up being someone i dont want to be and wasting my life on things that arent important (nice house, comfortable life) when there is so much to do and see. I dont want to make the wrong decisions!
It is weird to think about and i'm scared that i'll end up being someone i dont want to be and wasting my life on things that arent important (nice house, comfortable life) when there is so much to do and see. I dont want to make the wrong decisions!
Not really. I'm 51 and I wonder how I will be in the future! Grandchildren? Diseases? Will I move? Will I have enough money for my children's college, our retirement?
i'm 14 so i have to think of that -_-. i see 2 versions of myself, one is happily dating with a job, maybe kids and friends. The other version is me with a job and friends. i'm going through high school and college for sure without question.
Living on whatever I make at a casual job, I don't want to be financially rich. And I sometimes think, "Do I want to live past 60?" The concept of being an old guy scares me.