He texted smiley :) faces but then lost interest?


New member
Sep 3, 2009
I met this guy last week, we traded phone #s, he texted me smiley :) faces and called the next day. We talked for awhile and made plans for Saturday.

Next day he sends me another cute text with smiley :) faces; but on Saturday morning suddenly text that he's sick, and can we hang out another time...?

Don't hear from him for a few days, so I text to say what's up.. he says he's really busy this week, can we hang out later.

What's his deal?
Well smiley faces do not mean he was inrestead to begin with. If he wants to spend time with you than he will. Just give him time. He could just happen to be really busy this week. Wait for him to text you. If he does not than move on hun you are so much more. You do not need to wait around for a guy. Go find one that will actually make time for you. Good Luck.
only smiley faces means he's trying to be discreet without offending you
he's just not that into you