Heart-Centered Cooking & Community - Mar 27,2013


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Today we welcome our guest Tricia Wheeler, publisher of Edible Columbus, a magazine dedicated to the way lives are touched by fresh, locally grown foods, encompassing everything from the farmers field to the dining table and the journeys in between. Tricia will share about her exciting new venture, the creation of The Seasoned Farmhouse, a school dedicated to cultivating cooks and gardeners. Tricia is passionate about French cooking, supporting local farms, antique dishes, elaborate table settings and exquisite food! "Chai Chat" comes your way twice monthly, co-hosted by two good friends & colleagues (and devoted "foodies") Lori Guth Moffett, RYT and Victoria Vetere, PhD, HC. We invite you to "Follow" our show and enjoy them all on archive! We hope you share "Chai Chat" with your friends and family! Also, do visit our wonderful Cafe Press store where you can "Wear Your Wisdom" with all our fabulous products! cooking | gardening | Edible Columbus | Chai Chat | Tricia Wheeler
