Hell yeah


New member
May 19, 2008
My sleeping schedule is back on time and it feels great! Slept at 12:40 woke up at 5:40 :tup: :tup: :tup:
I tried fixing mine by going to bed at 9:00 today, but I woke up at 11:00 and now I don't think I'm going to bed until about 6 or 7. I fucked up my schedule instead :(
Yeah I know. That's how I was for like a fucking month but I had special plan. And now I get 5 hours of sleep and that's plenty. I use to sleep at 7 am so it feels weird being up right now :)
huh. Lots of people with messed up schedules eh.... At like midnight I was about to take a sleeping pill... But I started to do crap on the good ol interwebs and here I still am...
I work the graveyard shift, so I get paid to have a fucked up sleeping habit.

Interwebz at work ftw.
lmao. their needs to be some god damn medication for people like us. Maybe like choose you like schedule




pill 3

9pm-like fucking 2? this schedule would be pretty sick for some days
I go to bed at 3-4am wake up around 12noon. But today i had to get up early cause im expecting a package in the mail.