HELP Allergic to apple cidar vinegar! Face turning red!?


New member
Jun 6, 2008
My friend told me that a great natural toner for your skin is a combination of water and apple cidar vinegar. So, I decided to try it. I mixed 4 tbs of water and 4 tbs of vinegar put just a bit on a cotton ball and rubbed it around my face. I went to the bathroom, went to my room and was about to pluck my eyebrows when I noticed my face was all red and splotchy. I freaked out, went to the bathroom and washed me face 3 times trying to get as much of the ACV off of my face as I could. I'm not sure what I should do now. My face is still red and splotchy 10 minutes later. It's not getting any worse though. What should I do? The thing is, I've used it on my scalp and it's been perfectly fine. But, as soon as it touched my skin it reacted badly and red splotches formed. No bumps or anything...just redness. Actually, it sort of looks like I just got back from the beach. Looks like a combination of a tan/burn. How long will my face stay red? Why does it happen to my face and not my skin? Is it because my skin is more sensitive than hers? Should I do anything else to treat it or should I just leave it for the night?
You aren't allergic, you used a mixture WAY too strong. It took off the top layer of your skin cells. Look on the bright side, you did exactly the same procedure that they pay hundreds of dollars for.. a chemical peel. So your face will be okay in less than 24 hrs. If it is rinsed completely, you can rinse it with a baking soda/water solution (one teaspooon in a glass of warm water) to ensure the acid reaction is finished. You didn't hurt your skin.. but if you do it again use a much weaker solution. One tablespoon in two cups of water.