Help Convince parents to let me get a dirt bike.?


Jun 9, 2008
Im 13 and have always wanted a dirt bike. i've had a razor electric dirt bike for 2 years, and have started to want a real gas one. at first my parents said no, but i was persistent and got my mom to almost say yes. Today she came home and said that she didn't think shed let me because people told her a story about friends that got injured on dirt bikes. i've tried so many things to convince them, but they just don't want me to get hurt. can you guys give me safety facts and things that i could say to them so they'd understand that they can be safe.
take and pass the msf safety course. That has changed alot of parents minds by showing responcability
i,m 14 if u get some money your self like 200 or summin tell your dad that you will give him 200 towards it