Help! Cute girl at the gym!?


Jun 2, 2008
Ok guys I really need help. There is this super hot brunette at the gym: a 10. I was on the stairmaster and I saw her go to the elliptical a row in front of me I was like WOW. I go often and I've never seen her so yeah.
Me and my bro decided to go on the treadmill after, which is one row in front of
her so I was like "yes! I can show off" So me and my bro started doing sprints. I was often looking in the mirror(one in front of us so I could see her) and I noticed that she was looking at me a lot.. After maybe 20 minutes, my bro wanted to leave. I went to the back to get a paper towel to clean my treadmill. As I was walking back to clean the treadmill she made eye contact with me.

I tried to stall so much to maybe talk to her but she stayed on the elliptical. I thought about maybe going in front of her while she was on the elliptical to maybe get a # but idk.
Do you think I should have done that?
Idk maybe you should try to catch her outside of gym , when shes getting water so you wont be interrupting. Or just say a quick hi while you pass by her next time you see her