Help Help!!! My bisexual friend is looking for a boyfriend?


Active member
Mar 15, 2008
Like my friend like turned 16 and like he needs a boyfriend or at least someone to talk to you know. He is into masculine guys who are 16-17 of age and are 6/10 or above on a cute scale. He will contact you on myspace. Like I'm worried for my friend because I don't want him to give up on love you know so does anybody know anybody who would make a pass. Especially at this time he needs to really come into his sexuality. i care about my friend a lot and I don't want him to be lonely.
So can someone please help me!!!

Oh is myspace is .....
sorry I can only give it to you through e mail
I don't want to out him to the whole world.
alright I'll let him do it
The last place he should look for a boyfriend is over the internet.

If he wants someone to talk to, doesn't he have friends like you? Some random person online isn't going to be that helpful to him.
The internet is not a place to be looking for love. Period. I'm not trying to sound cold, but it's just not safe. He's 16. He has a whole life ahead of him. Love should not be the first priority in a 16 year olds life, especially when he has all that time ahead of him.
The internet is not a place to be looking for love. Period. I'm not trying to sound cold, but it's just not safe. He's 16. He has a whole life ahead of him. Love should not be the first priority in a 16 year olds life, especially when he has all that time ahead of him.