HELP i quit my job what do i tell future employers?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I quit my job 2 wks ago, and now im looking for a job, what do i tell future employers?
the truth is i had a really good job w/ an elite company, administrative position in a hospital, im college age..
real reason i left was because i didnt like the environment.. coworkers, staff, people being jeaulous and pissy all day, waiting for you to make a mistake.. i just quit, not on a bad note but not professionally either,i called and basically said i couldnt come in anymore :(
ive ben telling jobs that i quit to spend time w/ my baby.. but then they'll say and ur looking for a job 2 wks later..
i can say i want to go back to school.... classes start nxt yr
i can say ???
idk please help!!!!!!
You are stuck between a rock and a hard place here, especially in today's job market. Companies don't want to waste the time and money training someone that may walk out the door a short time later. What you can try is being completely honest and upfront about it, but with a little more "sugar coating" on it. Stick to the basics, don't name any names. i.e.:

"The environment was hostile and the majority of my co-workers were overprotective of what they considered "their" turf". (Have a good explanation for this if you are asked what you mean by "turf"!)

"The company required more job skills than were mentioned in the interview". I felt uncomfortable not being able to perform those additional functions, and no additional training was offered when I requested it".

"I was told the job did not require overtime, but was tasked with it anyway". (This may be an outright lie, but they have no way of checking) Also add the following line: "I informed them during the interview process that I had a small child, and was unable to work additional hours".

With these as a start, you should be able to come up with something. Just remember not to mention any names, or disparage a specific occupation or department. Don't try to give them the run-around on anything they may be able to check. And when speaking with a new interviewer, any time you used a reason for leaving, ask if that will be a problem with this position. (Don't say "If I get the job. Big no-no.) For every reason you give for leaving, make sure you ask the question. It will show sincerity and honesty.
Tell them that your old job had a negative environment that did not promote well-being and stressed out the employees.

Also, how were you a college-age hospital administrator? Make sure that you put your actual and accurate title on your new resume.
I quit my last job because:

1. I loved ___ in my last job and want to do more of it
2. The location was not ideal
3. I am looking for more responsibility and challenge
4. I worked at my last job for a very long time and honestly just need a change
5. I did not like _____ about my last job but there is none of that required for this job