Help is she interested & playing hard to get or she is just not interested?


Jun 17, 2008
we are both young adults who met at a very social hobbies class & ive asked her out for months & she has being always busy but never says no though.
as we hang out after class she eventually months later put her arm around mine & said yes but there was an emergency & we argued & she stopped talking to me for 3 months, later my friend ran into her at a club & she asked for me & said to say hi & i tried talking to her but no success & eventually she came up to me to talk to me & everything went back to normal & we went out had a nice time so it think, i so her the following week & i asked her out again & she said she will be busy & that same night i gave her a gift & she asked why & i said cause i liked her & she hugged me, she is very different to me than any other guy in the class & before we had the argument i told her i should stop asking her out & she said i dont want you to & during out date she mentioned a couple of guys.

sorry for the long story & can you guys give me an honest opinion?

thank you