Help me please about some rumours :/ ?


May 28, 2008
Ok so im 14, when i went out with this boy he dumped me then after that he spread REALLY nasty rumors and i dont want to even say them :/. ever since then i havent spoken to anyone except my small group of friends when i try to talk to people from the other school the curse at me :/ i accutally dont no what to do i have felt so depressed and upset for 2 years someone please give me some advise on what to do !?
The best thing to do is nothing.
People have short memories (and probably did not listen anyhow)
If you say "It is not true that....." more people will believe it is than if you keep quiet.
Just ignore them, the people who stand by you are your true friends and never forget that! It will soon pass anyway, ive heard the WORST rumours about people throughout highschool and now im in 6th form they have all been forgotten (in fact most of them were forgotten by year 11!!) If people ask you if its true, tell them it isn't and soon people will realise it, If your ever alone withhim, you could always confront him but dont go looking for him because it maks more drama and then he will know that he has gotten to you. If i gets any worse tell a teacher or a close friend or your family. They may be able to help you :) Don't feel too bad, it happens all the time to people :)
Just ignore them, the people who stand by you are your true friends and never forget that! It will soon pass anyway, ive heard the WORST rumours about people throughout highschool and now im in 6th form they have all been forgotten (in fact most of them were forgotten by year 11!!) If people ask you if its true, tell them it isn't and soon people will realise it, If your ever alone withhim, you could always confront him but dont go looking for him because it maks more drama and then he will know that he has gotten to you. If i gets any worse tell a teacher or a close friend or your family. They may be able to help you :) Don't feel too bad, it happens all the time to people :)
Hold your head up high chick, who cares what other people think, they are stupid for listening to rumours. At the end of the day, you know what's correct and what's not.. Wouldn't let it get you down, no point in letting them get to you.
if this has been going on for the last 2 years why haven't your parents done something about it. its been too long for you to have to go around like this. ask them to see the principal to work something out. or do they know what you are going through? if not you need to tell them so they can do something about it, even if they have to put you in another school or move. tell them!
Hold your head up high chick, who cares what other people think, they are stupid for listening to rumours. At the end of the day, you know what's correct and what's not.. Wouldn't let it get you down, no point in letting them get to you.
well judeging by how you said that the rumors are in fact false....and you know that. So do what I do I am also 14 and alot of ppl know a rumor about me. And iI pay for it but how I stop them from depressing me is I tell myself more like remind myself. They are gonna know and think what they want to. And nothing will change that but I know the truth and Im not gonna let their immaturity and du,bshitness drag me down!
The best thing to do is nothing.
People have short memories (and probably did not listen anyhow)
If you say "It is not true that....." more people will believe it is than if you keep quiet.
well judeging by how you said that the rumors are in fact false....and you know that. So do what I do I am also 14 and alot of ppl know a rumor about me. And iI pay for it but how I stop them from depressing me is I tell myself more like remind myself. They are gonna know and think what they want to. And nothing will change that but I know the truth and Im not gonna let their immaturity and du,bshitness drag me down!
Hold your head up high chick, who cares what other people think, they are stupid for listening to rumours. At the end of the day, you know what's correct and what's not.. Wouldn't let it get you down, no point in letting them get to you.