Help! My 02 Celica needs a new engine!?


May 13, 2008
So what happened was I took it into the mechanic to get it fixed cause it was making some strange noises. They replaced the drive train (T-chain ?), water pump, drive belt, and valve cover gasket. Anyways, $1,200 later my engine blew the same day I got it back from the place.They told me that I now needed a new engine. I took it to a new shop to see what was wrong and they say I need a new valve on the bottom of the engine that can't be fixed and I am going to need a new engine.

So I take it I am going to need a new engine. This is the third engine this car is going to have if I decide to go on it. My insurance and the first shop say there is nothing they can do to help me so I am going to have to pay for it out of pocket. Also, the first shop told me that my $1,200 was non refundable. I am pretty sure I just got screwed. Twice. But any advice on what I should do? And if I do get a new engine, should I go with new or used?

(The second engine, they told me it was used but apparently it was new had a warranty on it for 3 years and a 100,000 miles. My car had 97,000 before the new one. When that one blew they said it was over the 100,000. So was it only covered for 3,000 miles?)

Please help me, I have no idea about cars and stuff. D: