Help! My LG enV3 is shutting off for no reason!?


May 15, 2008
I checked the Verizon Wireless website and it said that it was from the battery being low. But when my phone randomly turns off, it usually has 3 or 4 bars of power. I am calling the Verizon Wireless tomorrow, but I don't think they will do anything about it, and I have a year until my next upgrade. I know I can switch to an old Verizon phone, but I can't find my sister's old one and I don't want to use my Chocolate again. I know a couple people with the same phone as me, one person says that their phone has never experienced this. Another person says that this used to happen to their phone. Another person says it always happens to them. Sometimes the front screen will turn white and nothing will happen. Sometimes everything turns black. Please help if you know what to do and don't say to go to the Verizon Wireless website (because i did that today), and I am calling them tomorrow. Thank you!