Help on the Machina Gadget Deck?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I, in general, admire this deck because of the main= Fortress. Sent by battle, destroy a card. Targeted by effect, see your opponents hand and discard of your choice. Add that with the ability to spam on special summon (provided you have the right cards), it is pretty much a huge monster (and no limitations either!) But this deck can't seem to play it through. Now, before you go on and comment about the 3 gadgets, look at the whole deck first. If you think that they should stay, then let them stay. If not, well think of a substitute plz. If you could modify this deck in general in anyway way that might help, please help. Give suggestions, rate if you want.

Monsters (20)
3x Machina Fortress
3x Machina Gearframe
2x Machina Peacekeeper
3x Red Gadget
3x Yellow Gadget
3x Green Gadget
2x Scrap Recycler
1x Machina Force

Spells (11)
3x Fissure
2x Solidarity
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Limiter Removal
1x Book of Moon

Traps: (9)
2x Ultimate Offering
2x Vanity's Emptiness
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Starlight Road

Main Deck (40)

Extra Deck: (1)
1x Stardust Dragon

Note for some of you: I don't like to run cyber dragons. Sure, good bait on BTH, But still. Anyways, I'll put it in if so many of you decide for me to put it in.
ANyways, Please Post Suggestions, I am Desperate to fix this up.
Definetly change out smashing grounds for fissures. Since Gadgets search for eachother i would try to run 17 or 18 monsters and throw in call of the haunted and bottomless trap hole. Wind-up Zenmaines works for this deck for solidarity. However if they do manage to destroy stardust. Then solidarity won't work. And throw in heavy storm. It comes in handy every duel....