Help!!!!! Three interesting topics for an introduction speech?


May 14, 2008
So in one of my classes we have to give a speech introducing someone, the problem is I don't know what three thing I want the class to know about me when I am introduced. I am having the hardest time thinking of interesting topics. If anyone can please help me out I would REALLY appreciate it!! Thank you
Well, what makes you you? I'll give you some things to think about. What makes you smile? What are your dearest ambitions? What movies do you enjoy and why? Think about the things that you take for granted, but what others might not know.
Explain why your going to school...what do you want to be when you graduate and how do you plan to follow your dreams? Tell them about a value that's important to you like family should always stick together which is why you could never imagine moving away from your mother....maybe talk about any animals you have or best friends and how theyv influenced your life
Why three things?

Are you not that interesting?

You have to give the info, on you, when you are introduced?

How can we know what is interesting about you, if you don't?