Help? Vacationing in Canada?


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Not sure if the question posted before; someone said it didn't post in the right section so I'm posting again.
I want to take a trip to Canada but I need to figure out about how much it would cost. I would probably drive because it would be cheaper, so how much would it be for tolls+gas about if I live in PA, and the southern part of Canada is about 9 hours away. I would stay for 6 nights and need passports (2 adult, 1 minor). So how much approximately would it be for driving fees, hotel, and passport? If it matters I would stay in Toronto or Ottawa or somewhere around there because it's closest. Thanks :) Also if you have any suggestions for what I should do where I should stay...?
Regarding the Passport, if you are a US citizen needing this fast, the sites below can help you to know everything you need especially the fees you needs for adult and child passport. :) Also accomodations and cheap airfare.