Help with future career ideas.?


May 25, 2008
Well, I'm deciding on what kind of high school to go to this year. And starting now, I realize that all my choices will effect my future. Currently, I want to generalize in the field of Genetic Science. But I'm pretty poor when it comes to math and science skills. Previously, I wanted to generalize in the law field. As an attorney of... something or other.

I currently go to an advance placement middle school.

For high school, I have to different public school districts or a private school. Money isn't exactly a problem as of now. But it might be in the future. Who knows? Our economy is slowly going up and down.

One public school district is known to be pretty poor. (I think it wouldn't look that good on a resume). The other district is very good, but strict. (P: It's good, but not as good as I want it). The private school is my first choice, but I don't think I would pass the acceptance test.


I enjoy outside of the box thinking and am considered by the general public a creative, artistic child. I know that unless I am completely original or lucky, that money will not come easy as an artist, author, etc.

I also play an instrument (poorly, in my opinion).

So I'm looking for something that intrigues me, that also has a pretty good supply of income.

You're probably thinking that you can't answer my question unless you can determine my likes and dislikes.

Well, I hate any kind of cutting open a live/dead organism (such as animal or human) and dealing with killing them or 'putting them down'. I also don't want to be stuck in an office cubical or on a computer all day long. I try to avoid long and confusing mathematical problems. And any kind of child contact. I can be pretty good and bad with children. I do not want to take my chances.

I feel, at the moment, that I don't want to have a family, or children. Perhaps an occasional relationship, but nothing more.

I like.... things that I have to think some bit about. And things that I don't have to do alot of public speaking of.

But it's also true that all fields will not lead me to direct money. I'll have to start off as a newbie in the field and so on. It's not likely that I will be making 250,000 dollars+ at the start.

But I do want a career that seems to be blooming in the near future or will require lots of people in the field.

I've noticed a pattern of, when my parents were in school, they were taught woodworking and all those hands-on career-esque classes.

Today, many highschoolers are taking classes for accounting and office-area jobs.

Maybe in the future it will be something else.

But anywho.

I'm wondering is you all (as the general Yahoo! audience) have any suggestions for job ideas? Or if some already listed (two, actually) ideas would work?

And what high school should I go to?

It seems like alot of be wondering about at this age, but I really want a serious reply. Not a "You're too young to be thinking like this" or what not. If you need more information, I might be willing to help. But I'm wary on the interweb.

EDIT: I see that my ideals can change it time, but from my family (my background and how I was raised), it probably won't happen unless something drastic happens that affects me personally. So you can go ahead and answer due to what I have already typed up.
Thank you so much for your time. It's a sure lot to read. :3