Hi girls can u answer me some question to help me out with school work so i


Adam W

can work out the %? plz give me big answer and make them good for all of the question so i can no all about the answer
1.do you pull up your sleeves on jumper or jacket
2. y do you pull sleeves up
3. how far do you like to pull sleeves up your arm
4.y do you stop sleeves their on the arm
5.what time of the day do u pull up your sleeves
6.y do you pull up sleeves at that time
8. what your age so i no if more old or young do this
9.do your friend do it to tell me about it
10 they girl or man
11.y do u think girls do it for
the big question y do you think you do it for and y do you do it
I will try my best...
1: yes I always pull up the sleeves of my jumper and jacket.
2: so they don't get wet if I'm doing the dishes, or if I feel a little warm..
3: just to my elbow
4: my elbow holds the sleeves there, otherwise they fall back down.
5: mostly mid-morning
6: because I am busy doing things and they seem to get it the way around that time.
8: I'm 33
9: All my friends do it as well, for the same reasons..
10: both male and female
11: same reason as men, to get them out of the way..
I push my sleeves up to get them out of my way, so they don't restrict my hands and wrists and to cool me down if I feel hot..
The easier thing would be to take my jumper or jacket off, but its a typical human reaction done by a lot of people, next time you go down the street, take not of how many people actually have their sleeves pushed up!!!