Hillary nutcracker


Apr 8, 2008
Now this is funny! No matter how you look at it. I wonder if this is what happened to Bill?

While I want you (insane, stupid etc.) americans to vote either that woman or barrack obama in, I did find this very funny. Is that wrong?
Dude... where have you been?
Have you seen the state of the nation?
Have you noticed the economy?
Did you forget that we're in a war that we are losing in Iraq... that Iraq is still in shambles?
Ever wonder who's going to get stuck paying for that the billions that got spent in their cozy private oil war?

Coming from shambles that Bush has left in his wake... anything would be an improvement. Even Hillary.
You serious? Hillary has stated that she won't pull troops out of Iraq and wants to continue combat missions. Hillary has stated that she wants to give every baby born $500 to start a 401k program and wants to give every American citizen $1000 to start their own 401k program.

She wants government controlled/subsidized health care.

All those things are ingredients in a recipe for economic disaster. She essentially wants to continue ALL of Bush's failed policies and some of her own crappy, destined to fail policies as well. That sounds worse to me.
But yeah I'm gonna have to go with you on this one slip . . . she does look more appealing than bush. Good god, at least she can speak the language, and probably has more backbone.
ok first off, Bush hasn't been that bad.... now hear me out.

1) he has done much of what he has said. Maybe he went against the UN and didn't listen to other nations advice, but he did what he said he would do! He might speak stupid words, but at least he stands behind him.

2) Bush is the only president to have faced such a crisis like 911. He brought us through that and we are still kicking. And guess what, 911 was not the fault of Bush. Bill Clinton had the chance to stop Bin Laden a long time ago, but his exacts words were "he is of no threat to us". People, they didn't attack us becuase Bush was in the White House, but rather because they hate our ideals and beliefs as a whole.

3) Losing the war in Iraq? Really do you know people over there who are level headed and still say that we are truly losing the war? I have several friends on different bases, some are mechanics while others are gunners on trucks and guess what? They say that the fighting has pretty much died down to nothing. Every now and again there will be a stand off or car bomb but guess what, those things happen a lot in other unstable countries. South africa, ireland, Israel....all of these places have suicide bombers, car bombs, and military stand offs but the media plays up the situation in Iraq because they know that people will rally behind the cause. That if they say BOMB IN IRAQ, then viewers will watch more of the program just to hear about it. Sadly enough, all media is based on ratings whether you watch conservative Fox News, or Liberal NBC, CNN, ABC.

People have died in Iraq and I am very sad for anyone who lost a loved one there. However, have we ever fought a war where our troops didn't die.

famous quote that is very true, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

We have to loose in order to gain freedom...it is all about sacrifice.

If Hillary wins:

1) we wont be able to breathe or speak without permission for the gov't. She wants free medical care for everyone and guess what, if it is available to everyone then you will have to wait in line for a check-up because ever bum and hypocondriac in the city will flood every doctors office. If you need major surgery, you will go on a list of hundred of thousands of people who need the same one. If it is available to anyone who needs it, it won't be able to reach everyone who needs it so we will have the same problem as we do now.

Also, it is your new wave of liberals who are passing these no smoking laws. These laws are unconstitutional!!! THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT IT!!!! I have friends who own their own businesses out in the country and cannot smoke in them. THEY OWN THE BUILDING!!! THE PAY FOR THE LAND IT SITS ON AND PAY ALL THE TAXES FOR IT ALL BUT GUESS WHAT THEY CANT SMOKE IN IT BECUASE THEY HAVE MADE LAWS SAYING THAT THEY CANT!!! THAT IS AN INVASION OF PERSONAL RIGHTS. I am personally allergic to smoking, it causes my eyes to water and makes me sneeze. Even with my allergy, I BELIEVE IT IS SOMEONES RIGHT TO SMOKE IN THEIR OWN BUILDING.


Btw all you Clinton lovers, you are the people that have destroyed a lot of our economy because Clinton signed NAFTA into effect which sent all of our main factories ( which make many small towns, like my home town, thrive and prosper) to china, indonesia, mexico, etc becuase the big corporations want to save money. That is also the reason that our imports are so much higher than our exports is because we have to buy things from other countries that used to be produced within out borders.

Hillary is just like John Kerry, you never know what side they are gonna take, one day she is wanting to keep fighting the war and the next she hates the war and is bringing everyone home immediately.

How about some backing up of this statement? sources?
I'm afraid you shouldn't try to intuit economic relationships because most things have surprising and sometimes counterintuitive and very complex relationships; basically in economics appearance is not reality so you need some plausible application of theory and credible sources. Otherwise you end up making statements like the above.

Frankly alot of your posts these days sound like your parroting some propaganda video on youtube.

The thing is if you had actually read any decent cost-benefit analysis of government subsidized health care you would be talking about something along the lines of trade offs or an over all net cost or benefit, instead you present a post with the implicit premise that state healthcare is unhealthy for the economy. Your statement really is the equivalent of DustinJolley saying all atheists are liberals.

You mock Dustinjolley for taking irrational and ignorant positions yet you continue to do the same yourself. Are you not capable of applying the same standards of reason you espouse on threads about fake ninja masters and Fox news to your own beliefs?

I don't mean to insult you personally, you seem like a decent guy, but you are being something of a hypocrite.

So in the name of intellectual integrity, why do you make the above

From a pervious thread:
I'm going to hold you to this
LMAO! Is that it? Is that the kind of standard you want from the President of your country? You want someone who says stupid things and then does them?

I can't believe you just said that, that's hilarious!

Nor was it anything you can claim for him as a testament to his presidency either. He 'faced' it because of the unfortunate accident of his being in power. He didn't 'face' it because he's a good president or a real stand-up guy!

And how exactly did he 'face' it: oh that's right - he did nothing for a while on national TV, and then he invaded two unrelated countries. Sterling performance. Still at least it's consistent with your desire for a president who says stupid things and then does them!

While I don't like Clinton, this is silly too. Do you think he'd have come to this conclusion on his own if he hadn't have had intelligence that led him to believe that?

Well, it's a good job you've had Bush to bomb 'them' and put 'them' in prison camps to convince them of how your ideals and beliefs are really great and don't mean them any harm!

Even funnier than those nutcrackers!
ahhhh.... I feel better now. Mr. Punch stated that far more eloquently and less bathed in roaring flame and vitriol than I would have.
Yes he did invade two countries but when are you seriously saying that Afghanistan wasn't harboring terrorist?? I do not believe that we should have went after Sadam. Do we just let the people who attack us go for free? Is that really what we do. Just say, " Man that sucks that innocent people on our side died....Oh well!" No you have to respond....innocent people were killed on both sides and that is very regrettable but you think we should have really just sat back on our butts?? Honestly you seem like you have all the right answers since you have no suggestions about what else should have been done. Maybe we should have made them say they were sorry just like John Kerry would have done!

I hate the shambles our economy is in. However, we have had a HUGE trade deficit since the 90's because we love to by things from places while not sending our goods anywhere. That and all the crap with NAFTA destroyed factory jobs by sending them to different countries. This lowered our GDP and increased our imports. How many items can you look around your room/closet and find that are made in USA. This is the main reason that our economy is so bad! Also, the value of the american dollar has fallen significantly in the last 15-20years (which I'm sure you can figure out a way to blaim Bush for) which hurts us even more. The economy is hurting because of the war there is no doubt in that, but our economy has been pretty crappy for a long time. It just took the war to finally send in into the toliet. Still I believe that taking the war to the people over there is better than fighting the war on our own soil....

I would like to know how you determine a good president? You say that we can't put Bush pulling us through 9/11 on our his list of good things but you can put his bombing of the people who did it to us on his list of bad??? Kind of one sided isn't it?

And it is not MY ideals, it is what America has always stood for. The jihadist hate the idea of us having the freedoms we do. They see us as lower beings and enemies. Not all muslims believe this and the teachings of the Quaran don't advocate this either ( i own a version myself). The jihadist are doing to americans what Christians did in The Crusades to the pagans. Yes only the extremist cause the problems, but if we do nothing to act, how long before they attack us again?

I would seriously like to know what makes a good president in your eyes? How should things have been handled? Would you rather a president that plays the political "game" when we are in danger of getting attacked again or would you want one who takes action against people WHO HAVE LABELED THEMSELVES as OUR ENEMIES!

I do believe everyone has their opinion and I hope everyone does have one based on what they have personally experienced. I have my own as you can tell and feel very stongly about it.