Hollywood theme!?


Apr 6, 2008
i want a hollywood theme bedroom . i am fourteen and i love all the old music ect, like i abselutly looove Elvis Presley . hes a musical god. but , does anyone have any ideas on paint and what i should do in my room ? links are appreciated.

This site is for teens you will love it, i picked the marilyn monroe hollywood one for you because that might be what you're going for but if not there are plenty of other themes :) just take a look
here are some links or web sites u can research!u can paint ur room black, red and white!
what I would do is you can go to design store like home depot and buy templet or ask somebody if they have and answer to your ?
Get those records(you know the big c.ds) and hand them up on your wall. If possible try painting the records gold. Get a red rug or even a red carpet. Hang up photos of Elvis, and make those stars and write your name in and hang that up on your wall as well. Get a fold able chair and write your name on the back of it. Get the take #1 take #2 thingy and leave it next to the chair. That is all I can think of, Good Luck, and for the records, don't paint it gold if it is valuable try using one that doesn't work anymore or is the one you dislike. :]
I love this web site


it has TONS of dirrent THEME bedroom sets and is kind of crazy funky and fun.

you might even find something else you might like better

i also suggest pbteen (although it's expensive) but it's got cute stuff

hope it helps dude