Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Homosexuality & Raising Kids

exactly my point. they're everywhere, you dont know who's gay and who isn't which clearly demonstrates slips point that gay guys arent all extra stylish.

@holyheadjch - okay maybe brighton is an exception... god knows why, their beach sucks
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Hmmmm... No... It actually clearly demonstrates a point that not all gays are retarded and dress like idiots... Having style and exquisite aesthetic taste doesn't mean sticking out from a crowd like a neon sign that shouts "Look at me! I am gay!"...
Homosexuality & Raising Kids


This is just idle curiosity, and you're under absolutely no pressure to reply. But I'm curious about your having a fairly traditional stance on what constitutes marriage at the same time as eschewing a traditional marriage yourself, in favour of a commonlaw marriage. But you still refer to your partner as your "wife." That surprises me.

Again (though you already know this) you're under no obligation to respond. I'm just surprised.

As for the debate, I'm fairly confident that nothing I'm going to say is likely to sway things one way or the other. But I do feel strongly enough about this issue to go on record and say that I absolutely believe that homosexual couples should enjoy the same rights and privileges as straight couples. It's not asking for special treatment to be regarded as equal to a straight couple.

Besides, it's not like us heterosexuals are doing a brilliant job of safeguarding the institution. As a group, I think we're batting worse than 50/50.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

2000lbs imperial weight, duh

That's only ten to thirteen gay's in my estimation, yes?

Not that far fetched.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

now this is just being silly, borderline gay bashing.
bearforce 1 - these guys are gay but theyre freaking the size of rugby players
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Gay bashing?! What do you put in those cookies of yours?

I was simply stereotyping male gay community by saying that they all look after their figure and always try to be fit/slim... At the same time I was stereotyping straight male community by saying that they are all fat slobs...
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Wise decision. *replaces can of whupass in cupboard*.

The Bear.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Uhh.. what? Is this supposed to be some type of joke or something?

Unless your entirely blind you can pretty much be in any city in the world and be amongst gay dudes. If you don't think so then you really haven't got a clue and in that case I'd say gay dudes are the least of your problems.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

You got me all wrong... You said "I have seen tons of gays"... I realize that there are many gays in every city/country, but how did you know/recognize that they are gay? They are dressed like gays? Haircut? Way they act? How they talk? I was just wondering based on what criteria you pass somebody on the street and say "that is a gay person"? If you are able to do that, than I agree, that gay is obviously following some stereotype and not very tasteful or stylish...

What I am trying to explain all along is that having style and refined taste doesn't mean sticking out. So, how would you recognize stylish and tasteful gay guy when you pass him on the street?
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

when i decide to go to san fran - im going to a gay bar for the experience.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Don't miss out to visit Hunters Point in San Fransisco... Just ask around about local gay bars...
I used to drink quite a bit at Tribeca in Manchester City Centre...one of the few pubs I would not end up in a ruck/professional encounter
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

whats the attraction of a naval shipyard?
is it cos of the 49ers stadium that might be built there?