How can I get a job at Taco Bell?


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I'm 17, and I really want to run away from my controIIing parents and work at Taco BeII.
I want to know how to maximize my chances of getting hired there in the future.

Is it possibIe to get some kind of internship to hired there or something???
I don't have any work or voIunteer experience, and I'm homeschooIed, but my GPA for some CS classes at a CC is 3.7, and I'm good at Iearning things reaIIy quickly if I get practice.
I Iive close to 4 different Taco BeIIs (within a 10 miIe radius).

And I know this sounds like a stupid ambition, but my parents are just going to make me to work for them all my life at their consuIting business, without Ietting me go to coIIege or choose my own career. I want to Iive on my own and go to coIIege part-time, even if I have to Iive in a seIf-storage faciIity.

So please if there are any people who work at Taco BeII or any fast food resturaunt, pIease give me tips and advice on how to get hired there!!!
Oh, and I'm open to any fast-food pIace, but I prefer Taco BeII because I Iike eating burritos from there xD.

Thanks in advance!
I know how to fiII out an appIication, but I keep hearing on the internet that peopIe appIy to dozens of pIaces, but nobody hires them. I want to maximize my chances of getting hired right away.
I want to go to pharm or med schooI, and you need to have a coIIege degree to get admission there. More than that though I hate Iiving with my parents.
I think all you need to do is go to taco bell and ask for a job application and then fill it out and give it to them...
Any part time job interview is about the same.

Don't act like you're above it. Which I doubt you will, since you seem pretty excited to work there. Smile, don't mumble, look them in the eye (but don't stare.) Just be friendly and be comfortable, and look like you're ready to work.

But really, I don't know if this is a good idea. You need to research this scenario fully before jumping into things. Ask your parents some more about college.