How can I make sure I'm getting adequate nutrition on a vegan diet?


New member
May 16, 2008
Protein isn't really a big deal. As long as you eat enough food, you'll get enough protein. If you need extra protein for bodybuilding or something, just eat lots of nuts and beans and whole grains, and you can supplement if you really need a lot of protein. For iron, eat lots of whole grains, spinach, apricots, nuts, seeds, and lentils. Eating foods rich in vitamin C, like fruit, at the same time you eat foods with lots of iron, will help the iron be absorbed. Some good sources of calcium are blackstrap molasses, collard greens, kale, tahini, sesame seeds, broccoli, almonds, okra, soybeans, fortified soy products, fortified orange juice, and certain tofu (read the label). Depending on where you live, you might not be able to get all the vitamin D you need just from sunlight, so take a supplement or eat fortified foods. Same with vitamin B12, you need to either take a supplement or eat foods fortified with it. Hope this is helpful
Are there any online lists that list foods that contain nutrients normally in animal products?

ie. Iron, Calcium, protein, etc.

Anything would help.
Tips, recipes, anything!

Thank you! :)
You will lose more calcium on a meat and dairy diet due to leeching from bones from the high blood acidity caused by the high protein in animal products.

Iron and all minerals are found in the ground, eat plants and you'll get your minerals...even iron!

Protein is everywhere, you can even eat grass and get it...

These sites should be of interset for you;