How can I stop my dog from tearing apart a lounge and its cushions?


Mar 3, 2008
My 1 year old puppy has recently taking to ripping apart the lounges we give him to sleep on. There are 2 old single person lounges, and I can't take them away because I have 2 dogs, and the other one loves the lounges and likes to sleep on them. However my labrador/golden retriever puppy has been tearing them to peices. I've tried everything to stop, yelling at him when he does it, smacking him, giving the other dog a lot of treats and none for him. I'm all out of ideas and it's so unfair on the other dog who loves the lounges to sleep on.
I did mention it is a Labrador/Golden retriever
First, try to exercise your dog. You didnt mention the breed, so I dont know what type of dog it is but if he is ripping things up, he probably have a lot of energy pent up within. Get him to workout and tire him out and he probably will stop doing it.

Otherwise, separate the area into the half and put lounges on the dogs who loves to sleep on them and then let your 1 year old puppy sleep on the floor. The floor is usually cold and the dogs can do with it without any harm.
Buy your puppy lots of toys, This is why he chews them up, because he hasn't got enough toys.
If you can buy lots of balls, not to mention squeaky toys.

This way your puppy would have lots of toys and wouldn't want to chew the lounge because it has lots of toys anyway.

If this doesn't work, As soon as you see him chewing, hit him ( not hard ) and say " no " and put him outside for a while. Keep doing this and your puppy will learn he can't chew up the lounge or he will get in big trouble. :)

Hope he stops. =)
Buy your puppy lots of toys, This is why he chews them up, because he hasn't got enough toys.
If you can buy lots of balls, not to mention squeaky toys.

This way your puppy would have lots of toys and wouldn't want to chew the lounge because it has lots of toys anyway.

If this doesn't work, As soon as you see him chewing, hit him ( not hard ) and say " no " and put him outside for a while. Keep doing this and your puppy will learn he can't chew up the lounge or he will get in big trouble. :)

Hope he stops. =)
You absolutely can take them away even if the other dog likes them. What use are they to the other dog if they're torn up? None. Better to have them back when your pup is mature enough to handle having them than to not have them at all.

Another option is to simply remove the pup from the situation. Crate train him. Lock him in a different room when you're not around to watch him. He does this because he has the chance and he's most likely bored. Smacking him will do absolutely no good. He will not connect your hitting him with the destruction he caused an hour ago, or even 5 minutes ago. Give him plenty of opportunities to make the right choices and crate him or lock him in another room when you can't watch him. Leaving him unsupervised with things to destroy will only allow the behaviour to continue.