How come adults always believe gay boys rather than girls?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Like, say you are a lesbian and you are around 13-16 (young to mid teen). Parents, after they find out, begin to say "You'll grow out of it" or "It's just a phase". They become very persistant with those things, and it makes you want to cry because they aren't showing much support.

For guys, its different. Fathers become aggravated and beat them, but mothers usually accept them right from the beginning.

Like, for guys, if they know they are gay at a young age, its definite. For girls, it not. How come?
Yeah. If you've noticed most girls these days say it on their myspaces to boast, want attention, or feel unique and independent.

It's not real geniuine feelings most of the time.

Me personally, I support God's wishes and the Bible and oppose any form of same-sex intimacy and marriage.
i think because some guys act "gay" like more feminine so the parents can sometimes tell.. but for a girl.. unless you cut youre hair and wear guys clothes then you really cant tell very well.. and maybe they just think it would be better since a guy could maybe take care of you better then a girl could.. but thats just my thoughts :D
Girls and boys are different. Females form relationships where we are close and intimate, and that can often be confused for romantic love. But it isn't. It's just female friendship. When girls try to tell their parents that they are lesbian, their parents (especially the mother) will probably think she's just confusing her feelings.

Boys, though, don't normally go through that. They aren't "intimate" with their friends. So when they say they are attracted to other boys, it's a bigger deal.