How come there aren't any real joke sites on the internet?


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I can't find any web sites with quality jokes! Either the jokes are funny but have content that is not healthy for my mind, or the jokes are clean and I have to lower my IQ by 20-30 points just to think they are funny!

Is there any humor in this world for smart people that don't want to fill thier mind with filth?
Thank you.

Just because I don't like dirty or stupid jokes doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor.
you mean jokes like what was tiger looking for in the toilet? answer:pooh
or jokes like
chuck noris can kill two stones with one bird?
or those stupid jokes like this
knock knock! who's there? boo! boo who? gosh it's just a joke no need to cry! and

The reason there are no "intelegent" jokes is becuase there is nothing funnny about down to earth, right minded, intelegent people.