How did the fly survive being "cooked" in the microwave..?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
I recently heated a 'ready meal' in the microwave.. Unknown to me, a fly had also got in there.. I saw it sitting on the turntable as the food neared its finish time..

Expecting the fly to be dead, I was amazed when it flew out of the door, when I opened the microwave to get the meal..

The intriguing thing is,... How did it survive..?
there is only a small area were the microwaves effect the food, they arnt very powerful and takes a lot of time to heat up anything. even if the fly was in the path of the microwaves, uless it was in the path of the microwaves for a long time, only then would it have died. it was probably just out of the way of the waves to be effected by them.