How did you find pbn???


May 16, 2008
I found it when I typed in "" on google and I thought it looked cool so I signed up.
When the PBR fags said it was PBN doing spam attacks. Since I hated PBR, I cam here.

Early '03 methinks.
a friend showed me a link to the gun he was selling over aim and i just looked around a bit
Needed a part that the gayass local store owner didn't have, so he referred me here back in early '02. Didn't make a screename until '05 though, because I'm not a fag that cares about join dates.
Had a friend that went here, I decided to join too in 06, banned once, stayed off a couple of months, made a new account, got back.
My friend always came here during consumer ed. to read small talk. I always looked over his back at some posts and thought it was funny sometimes, so I decided to join.

and that's the end of my life story.