How do I change my personality?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Hello. Growing up, I was taught two things that were considered majorly important:
a. Be nice.
b. Be yourself.
My problem is that, I am so sick of being myself...Everytime I look in the mirror, I don't think I see very much in me. I admit I do have self esteem issues, but what is even truer is that I am so sick of being myself.

So how do I do the following things to change:
a. how to be more funny and interesting to talk to. And more hilarious.
b. How do you be a good friend and make your friends feel like they are able to talk to you about some of their personal life. I have so much difficulty with this...friends rarely ask for my opinion on personal problem. (This is due to the fact that I am unable to communicate, I have social anxiety disorder). Even though i have friends, we never really talk about anything deep.
c. How do I earn the respect of others- being nice doesn't cut it. I don't mean to sounds cynical.
d. How do I stop being so boring.
e. How do I stop finishing last at everything? Everyone thinks I suck.

And how can I do all of this...without making anymore friends? (I don't want anymore friends because I have enough trouble handling friendships as it is, so I won't add). I won't loath in self pity, but I need a pathway or a plan to get to who I want to be. I am changing for myself because I am fed up with being myself.

I thank you in advanced.

Also, how do you be more attractive physically? (without makeup)
I feel like my friends are worthy of keeping (they are nice people). At the same time, I think they think I am stupid. How can I appear smarter?
My problem is communication: when someone is doing something wrong, I don't say anything, I don't analyze or criticise because I am scared that they will laugh at me. But when I say nothing, they take that as being dumb. Sometimes, I'm just too nervous to ask them questions and I'll do something wrong. Then they'll correct me, but I feel like they would think I'm dumb.
And yes, once my friends said that I was dumb and everyone agreed. I don't know if they had said that in the heat of the moment. The problem is that, how do I change the way they see me? Do you think they would have forgotten about this conversation that occured about more than half a year ago? My friends have been there for me...but...everyone gossips.
Maybe your not sick of being yourself........maybe your sick of being who others have made you think you should be. Just do what you want and what feels right. That is who you truly are. Fu*k what others think! When you do what you truly want to do it will no longer matter.

Good Luck!.........whatever you decide to do.