How do I fish off of a pier on the ocean shore?


May 25, 2008
Please help me understand everything about standing off of a pier and fishing, by answering the below questions. Dont suggest boat fishing, I just want to fish off the pier.

What kind of bait do I buy to attract fish mroe?
How do I tie the bait on proper so it doesnt fall off?
How much bait should I put on the hook? {a big chunk?}
How long do I keep the bait for? {if I don't use it up, is it ok to re-use all the time or will the fish not like it after a certain amount of time?}
Should I throw the line out as far as I can or just lower it gently?
Should the bait float on top of the ocean {with out the sinker?} or should it go to the bottom?{with the weight on?}
Is it better to fish at night or in the day time?
If I fish at night, should I get one of those glow in the dark things?