How do I introduce my boyfriend to my overprotective dad?


May 12, 2008
I'm 15 years old, gonna be 16 in less than a month and my dad doesn't want me dating and is kinda overprotective. Me and this guy I like just started going out yesterday and I don't wanna hide it from my dad. I was gonna introduce my boyfriend to my dad when my boyfriend and I went to Sadies, but now my dad says I'm not allowed to go. My dad doesn't know about my boyfriend yet and I don't wanna keep it from him. How can I introduce my dad and boyfriend where my dad understands and things won't be awkward?
My dad ISN'T letting me go to Sadies and I've already had that father daughter talk about dating and he said he doesn't want me dating. I don't wanna keep my boyfriend a secret because that's ruined my past relationships and I don't wanna keep anything from my dad. What should I do to introduce them?
Well, depending on how overprotective he is... he might not let u meet ur bf if he finds out u have one. He considers u his little girl and doesnt trust any guy with u. If u just go up to him and go " daddy i want u to meet my bf" he will most likely flip out!
Keep it a secret... but dont do anything stupid
Good luck trying! Fathers are very protective of their daughters. They were teenagers once themselves and know exactly how guys think! Ask your father what he was like when he was 16 and if he had a girlfriend then? Maybe a good conversation with him just may open some doors for you. It's time for that father, daughter talk!